ALL PYRENEES Best Food, Nutrition And Diet

 Do you want to use a food processor to knead dough? Dough kneading requires slow rpm so that the dough does not heat up. If the processor does not have the ability to knead slowly, then the blades may get stuck in the dough, or the dough may inadvertently almost “cook” which may result in an unusable product.

 In addition to kneading, the main utility of the machine will be the ability to cut, slice, chop, cube, mince, etc. It is extremely important to get more information about the quality of all these functions.

 This parameter can seriously affect the safety of the product. Some processors’ blades tend to heat up after a few minutes of use which is a potential danger. Users, intending to wash the blades, often burn their fingers taking them out because they forget that the blades can be hot. This does not mean that the device is poorly designed, such a risk can be eliminated if the blades are not prone to strong heating.

 Some people like variety, while others prefer simplicity. Similarly, some models offer basic controls (turn on, turn off and pulse), while others have touch panels that contain many different settings and options.

 The reason why people buy food grinders, even if they already have food processors, is that large-capacity processors do not cope well with small portions of food. Some models offer ways to get around this problem, for example, a smaller, inner bowl that allows you to chop small doses. Check how the model handles small portions.

 One of the greatest problems faced by food processors is that some food remains unprocessed. This may be due to the spacing between the blade and the edges of the bowl.

 And the last important point. Different models will have different safety features, such as gasket seals, blade interlocking, etc. The more safety features, the better.

 The internet offers models made by the most popular brands, including Kitchen Aid, Cuisine art, and Braun, which will help you find reliable systems with easily replaceable parts and accessories. A carefully selected food processor will become your favorite cooking tool and will give you fresh and healthy ideas on how to feed yourself and your family every day.

 Duck breast is waiting for you in the fridge? So be sure to remember this recipe and prepare a delicious dish. It is served in portions suitable for a special feast or a dinner party. The result is a tender and fragrant meat with a refined spicy taste that can’t be compared to anything.

 The recipe for duck breast will take a little time and it is important to follow the instructions carefully. But you can experiment with the ingredients. We do not recommend excluding celery from the list of products. This amazing root adds a little spice to the duck breast.

 1. First, clean the vegetables. Cut the onions into slices, the carrots into rings, and the celery into large strips. The garlic should be grated and set aside.

 2. Heat the pan on the stove and add water. Once the water has boiled, add the chopped vegetables. Cook until they make a rich vegetable broth. At the end of cooking, add salt to taste.

 3. While the vegetables are cooking, prepare the duck breast. Put it on a plate and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave it for 10 minutes.

 5. After cooking, put the duck fillet onto a napkin so it will absorb some of the excess fat.

 11. The dish is ready for serving. We’ll serve the breaded duck breast with vegetables. As a supplement, we can add tomato sauce.

 Soy is a real wonder food that is cheap compared to other mass food products in the twenty-first century. It is a nutritious source of protein and more. This is what my post is about today.

 The best-selling food in the world is soy in one form or another. However, why is everyone so afraid of this word? Is it worth being afraid of?

 Soy is a natural product and you should not be afraid of soy. For example, for more than two thousand years it has been the basis of Chinese cuisine.

 Fresh or frozen soybeans are good to boil or can be steamed as a side dish. It can also be added to soups. It is proven that the constant consumption of soybeans reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (and significantly).


 Soy is often included in the so-called Asian diets. Soybean can even protect against osteoporosis. Soy has great advantages – it protects against colon cancer and breast cancer.

 Soybeans are available in dried, canned and frozen form. Soybean milk, soybean powder, soy protein and soybean flour are all in great demand. This product contains a lot of nutrients, as a result doctors recommend including soy in the diet.

 2. For people with high cholesterol levels, adding soy is mandatory. Soy reduces the so-called bad cholesterol and increases the values of good cholesterol.

 8. There is a large isoflavone: genistein. Genistein inhibits proteins that protect cancer cells from the effects of the immune system.

 Soy is a low-fat, cholesterol-free source of protein. It is enough to use three servings of soy products once a week. For example, half a cup of tofu, 2 or 3 cups of soy milk, 28 grams of soy protein powder, and so on.

 It is best to use soy protein instead of minced meat. Cream cheese can be replaced with soybean curd – tofu. Miso (fermented soy paste) allows you to create a good soup base. Grilled tempeh (fermented soybean cakes) can be used in burgers. Soy milk can be used together with cereals. Soybean powder can be added to soups – it improves the flavor and richness of the soup.

 Although tofu contains unsaturated fat that does not harm the human heart, it is still necessary to be careful.

 Although tofu contains unsaturated fat that does not harm the human heart, it is still necessary to be careful.

 Nutrients in soybeans show similar hormone estrogen properties and alleviate the symptoms of menopause, especially at night. Soy is being studied as a natural alternative to estrogen and as replacement therapy. But, unlike estrogen, soy does not increase the risk of breast cancer.Over the past few years, ostrich eggs have become in demand among the population of Eurasia and America. Some people eat them to be fashionable, and others eat them because of their useful properties. You can buy such a delicacy on special ostrich farms, the number of which grows over the years in almost every city in Europe and Asia. This is what my blog is about today.

 Only unfertilized eggs are used for food. Ostriches, as a rule, lay eggs in the warm season, so in winter this delicacy is almost impossible to purchase.

 Ostrich eggs have an average weight of 1 to 1.5 kg, which is 30-35 times more than the usual chicken egg. The color of the shell depends on the breed of the bird and varies from pinkish-yellow (in Nanda ostriches) to black-green (in Emus ostriches). The protein has a transparent color, similar to that of other birds, and the yolk is a much richer, brighter yellow.

 Like any other eggs, ostrich eggs are rich in protein and fats, which are primarily involved in the building of cells in any organ of the human body. Unlike normal chicken eggs, ostrich eggs are completely devoid of harmful substances, because ostriches are fed with high-quality food and they will not consume contaminated food. A 1600 g egg contains 1 kg of protein and 330 g of fat. One adult person for consumption of the daily rate of the main food components needs 100 g of such eggs.

 In addition to the main organic substances, ostrich eggs contain vitamins and minerals. Thus, the average vitamin A content in 1g of an egg is 19 μg, vitamin E – 115-117 μg, vitamin B2 – 2 μg. This is almost 2 times higher than in chicken eggs. Also, ostrich embryos contain potassium (0.5–1 mg per 100 g), phosphorus (1 mg per 100 g), sodium (3 mg per 100 g) and calcium (1.5 mg per 100 g). The calorie content of these eggs is 120-160 kcal per 100g of product, which allows them to be used in various weight-loss programs too.

 Ostrich eggs, in addition to their nutritional values, are used as a form of treatment and prevention of certain pathological conditions. Thus, in the cardiovascular system, the positive effect of ostrich eggs is found in the prevention of heart attacks, heart failure, angina pectoris and arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and varicose veins. Ostrich eggs help also to go through the rehabilitation period after the heart attack.

 Ostrich eggs are recommended for people with excess weight. Products made from the protein and yolk of this bird allow you to lose weight and keep it off even when the diet is over.

 Ostrich eggs help children with the proper and timely development of brain and heart tissues, taking an active part in building cells and their membranes. Children become more resilient to physical exertion, more diligent during mental work and active when communicating with their peers.

 The shell of ostrich eggs is an excellent source of calcium, which is 3 times more than in chicken embryos. For brittle bones, after fractures and cracks, as well as for menopausal women, it is recommended to eat the ground-up shells. It is enough for 1 month to take 0.5 tsp of this powder. Repeated courses can be taken over 5-6 months. For convenience, you can drip a few drops of natural lemon juice just before use. It will soften the powder a little.


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